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Weekly Challenge Activities Week 9

Weekly Challenge Activities Week 9

Q The weekly challenge activity assignments are intended to give you practice on the concepts that are covered during the week. They provide you with a learning-by-doing opportunity to ensure that you develop essential skills needed to understand the course material in subsequent weeks and to complete the Homework Assignment. If you encounter any difficulties with these activities, make sure that you seek guidance from your instructor. To complete these exercises, you will need to use the following data sets; which are provided in IBM SPSS format. Data files: CRIME.SAV EXPOSURE22.SAV McNEMAR.SAV BIAS.SAV KAPPA.SAV Complete the following from the textbook: Elliott, A.C. & Woodward, W. A. (2020). Quick guide to IBM SPSS; Statistical analysis with step-by-step examples. Contingency Table Analysis: 1. Recreate Table 6.2 2. Recreate Table 6.3 3. Reproduce Figure 6.2 4. Recreate Table 6.5 5. Recreate Table 6.6 Analyzing Risk Ratios 6. Recreate Table 6.8 McNemar’s Test 7. Recreate Table 6.9 8. Recreate Table 6.10 Mantel-Haenszel Meta-Analysis 9. Recreate Table 6.11 10. Recreate Table 6.12 Interrater Reliability Analysis 11. Recreate Table 6.15 Save the syntax file used to produce these figures and tables. Submit the syntax file for grading. Copy the figures and tables to a word document making sure that you are using APA style formatting for the titles of the tables and figures. Submit the Word file for grading. Deliverables: 1 syntax file 1 Word file. Assignment Grading Rubric Click on the link to view the grading rubric for this assignment Assignment Rubric Directions for Submission: Submit your all your work through the single Assignments link Submit your assignment via the left-hand navigation menu no later than 11:59 ET on Day 7.

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1. Recreate Table 6.2 Table 6.2 Output for Crime Data Crime * Drinker Crosstabulation Drinker Total Drinker Non Drinker Crime Arson Count 50 43 93 Expected Count 49.1 43.9 93.0 % within Crime 53.8% 46.2% 100.0% Rape Count 88 62 150 Expected Count 79.2 70.8 150.0 % within Crime 58.7% 41.3% 100.0% Violence Count 155 110 265 Expected Count 139.9 125.1 265.0 % within Crime 58.5% 41.5% 100.0% Stealing Count 379 300 679 Expected Count 358.5 320.5 679.0 % within Crime 55.8% 44.2% 100.0% Coining Count 18 14 32 Expected Count 16.9 15.1 32.0 % within Crime 56.3% 43.8% 100.0% Fraud Count 63 144 207 Expected Count 109.3 97.7 207.0 % within Crime 30.4% 69.6% 100.0% Total Count 753 673 1426 Expected Count 753.0 673.0 1426.0 % within Crime 52.8% 47.2% 100.0%